谷根千をめぐる小さな旅(A small journey around YaNeSen)(Sunday,October 15, 2023-No50)

谷根千をめぐる小さな旅(A small journey around YaNeSen)(Sunday,October 15, 2023-No50) Yanesen is a general term that refers to the Yanaka, Nezu, and Sendagi areas from the eastern end of Bunkyo Ward to the western end of Taito Ward.Althou…

成田山新勝寺・不動明王・初詣(Narita-san Shinsho-ji・Fudo Myōō・Hatsu-mode)(Tuesday, January 3, 2023-No.48)

成田山新勝寺・不動明王・初詣(Narita-san Shinsho-ji・Fudo Myōō・Hatsu-mode)(Tuesday, January 3, 2023-No.48) The main hall is crowded with Hastu-mode worshippers. The Great Pagoda of Peace(平和の大塔), built in 1984 (Showa 59), is a tow…

京都・奈良の紅葉を愛でる旅(その3-長谷寺、室生寺)A trip to enjoy the autumn leaves of Kyoto and Nara(Part 3-Hase-dera and Muro-ji)(Tuesday, November 14, 2022-No.47)

京都・奈良の紅葉を愛でる旅(その3-長谷寺、室生寺)A trip to enjoy the autumn leaves of Kyoto and Nara(Part 3-Hase-dera and Muro-ji)(Tuesday, November 14, 2022-No.47) 1.長谷寺長谷寺(はせでら)は、奈良県桜井市初瀬(はせ)にある真言…

京都・奈良の紅葉を愛でる旅(その2-三千院、鞍馬寺、貴船神社、薬師寺)A trip to enjoy the autumn leaves of Kyoto and Nara(Part 2-Sanzen-in,Kurama-dera,Kifune-Jinjya,Yakushi-ji)(Monday, November 14, 2022-No.46)

京都・奈良の紅葉を愛でる旅(その2-三千院、鞍馬寺、貴船神社、薬師寺)A trip to enjoy the autumn leaves of Kyoto and Nara(Part 2-Sanzen-in,Kurama-dera,Kifune-Jinjya,Yakushi-ji)(Monday, November 14, 2022-No.46) 1.三千院三千院(さんぜ…

京都・奈良の紅葉を愛でる旅(その1-宝厳院、天龍寺、嵐山・嵯峨野)A trip to enjoy the autumn leaves of Kyoto and Nara(Part 1-Hogon-in,Tenryu-ji,Arashiyama and Sagano)(Sunday, November 13, 2022-No.45)

京都・奈良の紅葉を愛でる旅(その1-宝厳院、天龍寺、嵐山・嵯峨野)A trip to enjoy the autumn leaves of Kyoto and Nara(Part 1-Hogon-in,Tenryu-ji,Arashiyama and Sagano)(Sunday, November 13, 2022-No.45) 1.宝厳院大亀山 宝厳院 – 臨済宗大…

横浜港とその周辺 - Yokohama Port and its surroundings(Saturday, November 5, 2022-No.44)

横浜港とその周辺 - Yokohama Port and its surroundings(Saturday, November 5, 2022-No.44) 1.横浜港 Yokohama Port横浜港(よこはまこう)は、神奈川県横浜市の東京湾岸にある港湾である。港湾管理者は横浜市。港湾法上の正式名称は横浜港だが、港内…

古都鎌倉の寺社巡り(その4-海蔵寺・浄光明寺・寿福寺)- Visiting temples and shrines in the ancient capital of Kamakura (Part 4 Kaizoji,Johkoumyouji and Jyuhukuji)(October 31, 2022-No.43)

古都鎌倉の寺社巡り(その4-海蔵寺・浄光明寺・寿福寺)-Visiting temples and shrines in the ancient capital of Kamakura (Part 4 Kaizoji,Johkoumyouji and Jyuhukuji)(October 31, 2022-No.43) 1.海蔵寺 海蔵寺(かいぞうじ)は、神奈川県鎌倉市扇…

古都鎌倉の寺社巡り(その3-東慶寺・浄智寺)Visiting temples and shrines in the ancient capital of Kamakura (Part 3 Tokeiji and Jyochiji) (October 31, 2022-No.42)

古都鎌倉の寺社巡り(その3-東慶寺・浄智寺)Visiting temples and shrines in the ancient capital of Kamakura (Part 3 Tokeiji and Jyochiji) (October 31, 2022-No.42) 1.東慶寺 東慶寺(とうけいじ)は、神奈川県鎌倉市山ノ内にある臨済宗円覚寺派…

古都鎌倉の寺社巡り(その2-建長寺と半僧坊) Visiting temples and shrines in the ancient capital of Kamakura (Part2 Kenchoji and Hansobod )(October 31, 2022-No.41)

古都鎌倉の寺社巡り(その2-建長寺と半僧坊) Visiting temples and shrines in the ancient capital of Kamakura (Part 2 Kenchoji and Hansobo)(October 31, 2022-No.41) 1.KenchojiKenchoji(建長寺) is a Zen Buddhist temple founded by Hojo Toki…

古都鎌倉の寺社巡り(その1-円覚寺と明月院) Visiting temples and shrines in the ancient capital of Kamakura (Part 1 Engakuji and Meigetsu-in)(October 2, 2022-No.40)

古都鎌倉の寺社巡り(その1-円覚寺と明月院) Visiting temples and shrines in the ancient capital of Kamakura (Part 1 Engakuji and Meigetsu-in)(October 2, 2022-No.40) 1.EngakujiEngakuji is a temple located in Yamanouchi, Kamakura City, Ka…

玉造温泉と三朝温泉ー山陰地方の名湯を訪ねる旅 Tamatsukuri Onsen and Misasa Onsen - A trip to visit famous hot springs in the San'in region(July 27, 2022-No.39)

玉造温泉と三朝温泉ー山陰地方の名湯を訪ねる旅 Tamatsukuri Onsen and Misasa Onsen - A trip to visit famous hot springs in the San'in region (July 27, 2022-No.39) Tamatsukuri Onsen(玉造温泉) is a hot spring located in Tamatsukuri, Tamayu-c…

千葉市動物公園―すくすく育つ6頭のチーターの赤ちゃん Chiba Zoological Park―6 baby cheetahs growing up quickly (December 30, 2021-No.38)

千葉市動物公園―すくすく育つ6頭のチーターの赤ちゃんChiba Zoological Park―6 baby cheetahs growing up quickly (December 30, 2021-No.38) Around 21:00 on June 8, 2021, a cheetah gave birth to six children at the Chiba Zoological Park. Their mo…

佐原の町並みと伊能忠敬―Sawara Townscape and Tadataka Ino (December 28, 2021-No.37)

佐原の町並みと伊能忠敬―Sawara Townscape and Tadataka Ino (December 28, 2021-No.37) Sawara is called Little Edo(小江戸) in Hokuso (northern part of Chiba prefecture) because of its old town appearance. You can get there in about 2 hours …

鹿島神宮ーKashima Jingu Shrine ―Visit a venerable shrine and think about the deities peculiar to Japan(December 26, 2021-No.36)

鹿島神宮ーKashima Jingu Shrine ―Visit a venerable shrine and think about the deities peculiar to Japan(December 26, 2021-No.36) Kashima Jingu Shrine is a shrine located in Kyuchu, Kashima City, Ibaraki Prefecture(茨城県鹿嶋市宮中). It i…

水元公園の四季ーThe four seasons of Mizumoto Park(December 24, 2021-No.35)

水元公園の四季ーThe four seasons of Mizumoto Park(December 24, 2021-No.35) Tokyo Metropolitan Mizumoto Park is located in Katsushika Ward, in the eastern part of Tokyo, and is the largest riverside district park(水郷公園)in Tokyo, borde…

手賀沼の風景―Scenery of Lake Teganuma(December 23, 2021-No.34)

手賀沼の風景―Scenery of Lake Teganuma(December 23, 2021-No.34) Lake Teganuma is a lake in the Tone River system(利根川水系) that straddles Kashiwa City and Abiko City in the northern part of Chiba Prefecture. The area of the lake is 6.5…

Japan Now! No.4-第16回夏季パラリンック東京大会の開幕 - 勇気と夢と称賛にあふれている世界へ-2020(2021)Opening of the 16th Summer Paralympic Tokyo Games-To the world full of courage, dreams and praise(August 24, 2021)

Japan Now! No.4-第16回夏季パラリンック東京大会の開幕 - 勇気と夢と称賛にあふれている世界へ-Opening of the 16th Summer Paralympic Tokyo Games-To the world full of courage, dreams and praise(August 24, 2021) The opening ceremony of the Para…

Japan Now! No.3-東京オリンピック2020(2021)の開幕と日本における終わりの見えないコロナウイルスとの闘い--2020(2021)Tokyo Olympic Gamesa and Fighting the endless coronavirus in Japan(July 22, 2021)

Japan Now! No.3-東京オリンピック2020(2021)の開幕と日本における終わりの見えないコロナウイルスとの闘い--2020(2021)Tokyo Olympic Gamesa and Fighting the endless coronavirus in Japan(July 22, 2021) Wednesday, July 22, 2021 I have nothing…

千葉市動物公園-Chiba Zoological Park(October 31, 2020-No.33)

千葉市動物公園-Chiba Zoological Park(October 31, 2020-No.33) Chiba Zoological Park is an animal park located at 280 Minamotocho, Wakaba-ku, Chiba City, Chiba Prefecture. To get there, take the Chiba Urban Monorail from JR Chiba Station a…

那須どうぶつ王国-Nasu Animal Kingdom Zoo(October 8, 2020-No.32)

那須どうぶつ王国-Nasu Animal Kingdom Zoo(October 8, 2020-No.32) Nasu Animal Kingdom(那須動物王国) is a theme park-style zoo located at 1042-1 Oshima, Nasu-machi, Nasu-gun, Tochigi Prefecture. The zoo became a hot topic when the media r…

国立歴史民俗博物館-National Museum of Japanese History(July 28, 2020-No.31)

国立歴史民俗博物館-National Museum of Japanese History(July 28, 2020-No.31) The National Museum of Japanese History and Folklore(国立歴史民俗博物館abbreviation: Rekihaku 歴博)is a history museum located in Sakura City, Chiba Prefecture…

Japan Now! No.2-人類と見えない敵との終わることのない戦い-COVID-19の世界的な蔓延と日本の現状-(2020.4.19)-Endless Battle between Humanity and Invisible Enemy--COVID-19 Global Prevalence and Current Situation in Japan

Japan Now! No.2-人類と見えない敵との終わることのない戦い-COVID-19の世界的な蔓延と日本の現状-一人の生活者の視点から--Endless Battle between Humanity and Invisible Enemy--COVID-19 Global Prevalence and Current Situation in Japan-From t…

Japan Now! No.1-コロナウィルスとの闘い、あるいはコロナウィルスの憂鬱--Fight against coronavirus or depression of coronavirus(March 11,2020)

Foreword(初めに)I would like to record the current state of Japanese society, our way of life, and topics that have been talked about, and share it with people all over the world. The topics described here are like an ordinary citizen's …

明治神宮 Meiji Jingu (December. 2019-No.30)

明治神宮 Meiji Jingu (December. 2019-No.30) Meiji Jingu is a shrine in Shibuya-Ward, Tokyo, dedicated to the Emperor Meiji and Empress Shoken. The shrine, which covers about 73 hectares, was owned by the Hikone Domain, a powerful daimyo d…

乃木神社と乃木希典将軍 Nogi Shrine and Nogi Maresuke Army General(November. 2019-No.29)

乃木神社と乃木希典将軍 Nogi Shrine and Nogi Maresuke Army General(November. 2019-No.29) Nogi Shrine is a shrine that enshrines Nogi Shogun and Mrs. Shizuko who lived in the Meiji era as gods. In addition to Tokyo, there are several shrine…

国会・国会議事堂-the Diet and the Diet Building. Japan's political center(October. 2019-No.28)

国会・国会議事堂-the Diet and the Diet Building . Japan's political center(October. 2019-No.28) The Japanese legislature is called the Diet, and is considered the highest authority of the national power in the Japanese constitution. It i…

川越-Kawagoe An elegant town called Koedo(September. 2019-No.27)

川越-Kawagoe An elegant town called Koedo(September. 2019-No.27) Kawagoe flourished as a castle town during the Edo period and is known as Koedo. There are many castle ruins, shrines, temples, historic sites, and historic buildings, and …

銚子-The eastern tip of the Kanto region. The Pacific Ocean can be seen 360 degrees.(September. 2019-No.26)

銚子-The eastern tip of the Kanto region. The Pacific Ocean can be seen 360 degrees.(September. 2019-No.26) Choshi flourished as a port town, and has the Choshi fishing port is the largest amount of landing in Japan. Choshi was prosperou…

マザー牧場と台風15号-Mother Farm and Typhoon No.15(September. 2019-No.25)

マザー牧場と台風15号-Mother Farm and Typhoon No.15(September. 2019-No.25) Mother Farm is located on Mt.Kanozan(鹿野山), where you can see magnificent views of the mountains of Boso Peninsula, Tokyo Bay and Mt. Fuji. From the center o…

山の日-Yama-no-Hi Mountain day on August 11, one of the national holidays of Japan(August. 2019-No.24)

山の日-Yama-no-Hi Mountain day on August 11, one of the national holidays of Japan(August. 2019-No.24)Mountain day August 11 is Mountain day which is one of the national holidays of Japan. The purpose is to give the opportunity to get cl…