京都・奈良の紅葉を愛でる旅(その1-宝厳院、天龍寺、嵐山・嵯峨野)A trip to enjoy the autumn leaves of Kyoto and Nara(Part 1-Hogon-in,Tenryu-ji,Arashiyama and Sagano)(Sunday, November 13, 2022-No.45)

京都・奈良の紅葉を愛でる旅(その1-宝厳院、天龍寺、嵐山・嵯峨野)A trip to enjoy the autumn leaves of Kyoto and Nara(Part 1-Hogon-in,Tenryu-ji,Arashiyama and Sagano)(Sunday, November 13, 2022-No.45)

大亀山 宝厳院 – 臨済宗大本山天龍寺塔頭寺院である

Daiki-Zan Hogon-in – a sub-temple of Tenryu-ji Temple, the head temple of the Rinzai sect of Buddhism
This garden is called 'Shishiku no Niwa' and is a strolling garden with borrowed scenery. It is famous for its lion-shaped rocks and rock-breaking pine trees growing out of the rocks.
The lion's roar (Shishiku) in its name means 'Buddha preaches'.


The official name of this temple is Reikizan Tenryu Shiseizenji. The Sogenchi Garden of Tenryu-ji Temple is a strolling pond garden located on the west side of the Hojo(Abbots' Quarters), which was created by Muso Soseki.

3.Arashiyama and Sagano

Togetsukyo is a bridge over the Katsura River that separates Sagano and Arashiyama.

"Bamboo path" where the bamboo grove that covers the sky continues for 400m.     a picture of the bamboo grove from the path dedicated to hand-pulled rickshaw(人力車) Thank you! Yoppy. He is a wonderful young man with a service spirit who pulls a rickshaw.