
谷根千をめぐる小さな旅(A small journey around YaNeSen)(Sunday,October 15, 2023-No50)

谷根千をめぐる小さな旅(A small journey around YaNeSen)(Sunday,October 15, 2023-No50) Yanesen is a general term that refers to the Yanaka, Nezu, and Sendagi areas from the eastern end of Bunkyo Ward to the western end of Taito Ward.Althou…

成田山新勝寺・不動明王・初詣(Narita-san Shinsho-ji・Fudo Myōō・Hatsu-mode)(Tuesday, January 3, 2023-No.48)

成田山新勝寺・不動明王・初詣(Narita-san Shinsho-ji・Fudo Myōō・Hatsu-mode)(Tuesday, January 3, 2023-No.48) The main hall is crowded with Hastu-mode worshippers. The Great Pagoda of Peace(平和の大塔), built in 1984 (Showa 59), is a tow…