
京都・奈良の紅葉を愛でる旅(その3-長谷寺、室生寺)A trip to enjoy the autumn leaves of Kyoto and Nara(Part 3-Hase-dera and Muro-ji)(Tuesday, November 14, 2022-No.47)

京都・奈良の紅葉を愛でる旅(その3-長谷寺、室生寺)A trip to enjoy the autumn leaves of Kyoto and Nara(Part 3-Hase-dera and Muro-ji)(Tuesday, November 14, 2022-No.47) 1.長谷寺長谷寺(はせでら)は、奈良県桜井市初瀬(はせ)にある真言…

京都・奈良の紅葉を愛でる旅(その2-三千院、鞍馬寺、貴船神社、薬師寺)A trip to enjoy the autumn leaves of Kyoto and Nara(Part 2-Sanzen-in,Kurama-dera,Kifune-Jinjya,Yakushi-ji)(Monday, November 14, 2022-No.46)

京都・奈良の紅葉を愛でる旅(その2-三千院、鞍馬寺、貴船神社、薬師寺)A trip to enjoy the autumn leaves of Kyoto and Nara(Part 2-Sanzen-in,Kurama-dera,Kifune-Jinjya,Yakushi-ji)(Monday, November 14, 2022-No.46) 1.三千院三千院(さんぜ…