古都鎌倉の寺社巡り(その4-海蔵寺・浄光明寺・寿福寺)- Visiting temples and shrines in the ancient capital of Kamakura (Part 4 Kaizoji,Johkoumyouji and Jyuhukuji)(October 31, 2022-No.43)

古都鎌倉の寺社巡り(その4-海蔵寺・浄光明寺寿福寺)-Visiting temples and shrines in the ancient capital of Kamakura (Part 4  Kaizoji,Johkoumyouji and Jyuhukuji)(October 31, 2022-No.43)


 海蔵寺(かいぞうじ)は、神奈川県鎌倉市扇ガ谷(おうぎがやつ)にある臨済宗建長寺派の寺院である。山号は扇谷山(せんこくざん)。本尊は薬師如来。1253年に宗尊親王の命により藤原仲能が創建し、鎌倉幕府滅亡時に焼失、1394年に上杉氏定(1374-1416)の開基、心昭空外(1329-1400 源翁禅師)を開山として再興されたと伝えられる。



Kaizo-ji is a temple of the Kenchoji school of the Rinzai sect located in Ougigayatsu, Kamakura City, Kanagawa Prefecture. The mountain name is Senkokuzan. The principal object of worship is Yakushi Nyorai. It is said that Fujiwara no Nakayoshi founded the temple in 1253 by order of Prince Munetaka, burned down when the Kamakura shogunate was destroyed, and was rebuilt in 1394 by Uesugi Ujisada (1374-1416) as the founder of Shinsho Kugai.
This temple is famous as a temple of flowers, and various flowers bloom throughout the four seasons. The precincts are small, but the arrangement of the thatched temple kitchen, bell tower, and plants are wonderfully balanced, and you can enjoy looking at the precincts from various angles.

At the entrance of Kamegayazaka on the way to Kaizo-ji Temple, there is Iwafune Jizo-do Hall, where Ohime, the daughter of Minamoto no Yoritomo, is enshrined. Iwafune Jizo-do is managed by Kaizoji Temple.
Ohime became known as the heroine of her tragedy in the NHK Taiga drama "THE 13 LORDS OF THE SHOGUN". Ohime, the eldest daughter of Yoritomo and Hojo Masako, is believed to have been born in 1178, when Yoritomo was still exiled to Izu. Kiso Yoshitaka, who became the son-in-law of Ohime, was the eldest son of Kiso Yoshinaka. Yoshinaka, who raised an army in 1183, conflicted with Yoritomo, but reconciled with Yoritomo by offering his eldest son Yoshitaka as a hostage.
Ohime also fell in love with Yoshitaka and lived happily, but in January 1184, Yoshinaka was killed by Minamoto no Yoshitsune and others who went to Kyoto by order of Yoritomo. It is said that upon learning that her father, Yoritomo, had also killed Yoshitaka, the young Ohime was bedridden with her illness and so weakened that she could not even drink water.  Ohime's mental shock was so great that she said she never recovered from it.

Iwafune Jizo-do Hall, where Ohime, the daughter of Minamoto no Yoritomo, is enshrined. Iwafune Jizo-do is managed by Kaizoji Temple.



Jokomyo-ji is a temple of the Sennyu-ji school of the Shingon sect located in Ougigayatsu, Kamakura City, Kanagawa Prefecture. The mountain name is Senkokuzan. The foundation was Hojo Nagatoki (1230-1264, 6th regent of the Kamakura Shogunate). The founder was Shin-a (?-1296). The principal object of worship is Amida Nyorai. The temple has a deep connection with the Hojo clan and the Ashikaga clan, and it is said that Ashikaga Takauji shut himself up in this temple just before raising an army against Emperor Godaigo.

When you enter the temple gate, you will find the reception hall, the temple kitchen, the Fudo-do, etc., and the Amida-do and the storage are located on the raised grounds behind them. The Amida Sanzon statues, which are important cultural properties, are enshrined in the storehouse. In the precincts, the scenery of a medieval temple with a valley made into a tiered platform has been well preserved.


 寿福寺(じゅふくじ)は、神奈川県鎌倉市扇ヶ谷にある臨済宗建長寺派の寺院である。正式には亀谷山寿福金剛禅寺(きこくさん じゅふくきんごうぜんじ)と号する。本尊は釈迦如来、開基(創立者)は北条政子(1157-1225)である。鎌倉幕府を開いた源頼朝の御台所であり、子は頼家、実朝、大姫、三幡である。頼朝亡きあと征夷大将軍となった嫡男・頼家、次男・実朝が相次いで暗殺された後は、幕政の実権を握り、世に尼将軍(あましょうぐん)と称された。また、開山(初代住職)は栄西(1141-1215)である。日本における臨済宗の開祖、京都の建仁寺の開山である。また、廃れていた喫茶の習慣を日本に再び伝えたことでも知られる。

 創建当時は七堂伽藍を擁し、14の塔頭を有する大寺院で、禅刹として体裁を整えたのは1278年(弘安元年)頃と推定されている。 1247年に火災にあい、1258年の火災では一宇を残さぬまで焼失している。これらの復興は、おそらく南北朝時代の頃と思われる。仏殿は1664年の再建である。


Jufukuji is a temple of the Kenchoji school of the Rinzai sect located in Ogigayatsu, Kamakura City, Kanagawa Prefecture. The official name is Kikokusan Jufuku Kingo Zenji. The principal image is Shaka Nyorai, and the financial founder is Hojo Masako (1157-1225). She was the wife of Minamoto no Yoritomo, the founder of the Kamakura shogunate, and her children were Yoriie, Sanetomo, Ohime, and San-man. After Yoritomo's death, his legitimate son Yoriie and his second son Sanetomo, who became the Shogun, were assassinated one after another, and after that, he took control of the shogunate government and was called Ama-shougun (nun Shogun). The founder (first head priest) was Eisai (1141-1215). He is the founder of the Rinzai sect in Japan and the founder of Kenninji Temple in Kyoto. He is also known for bringing the obsolete custom of tea drinking back to Japan.

At the time of its foundation, it was a large temple with seven temples and 14 sub-temples, and it is estimated that it was established around 1278 as a Zen temple. It was destroyed in a fire in 1247, and in 1258 it was completely destroyed. These revivals are probably around the period of the Northern and Southern Courts. The Buddhist temple (buddha hall ) was rebuilt in 1664.

In the cemetery behind the precincts, there are graves of Mutsu Munemitsu, Takahama Kyoshi, Hoshino Ritsuko, Osaragi Jiro, and others. In addition, in the yagura (a horizontal graveyard peculiar to the Kamakura region) in the back, there is a five-ring pagoda, which is said to be the tomb of Hojo Masako and Minamoto no Sanetomo.

The approach from the main gate to the middle gate and the cemetery on the hill behind are open to the public, but the precincts inside from the middle gate are not open to the public.

There is a five-ring pagoda, which is said to be the tomb of Hojo Masako.