古都鎌倉の寺社巡り(その3-東慶寺・浄智寺)Visiting temples and shrines in the ancient capital of Kamakura (Part 3 Tokeiji and Jyochiji) (October 31, 2022-No.42)

古都鎌倉の寺社巡り(その3-東慶寺浄智寺)Visiting temples and shrines in the ancient capital of Kamakura (Part 3  Tokeiji and Jyochiji) (October 31, 2022-No.42)


 寺伝では開基は北条貞時(1272-1311 鎌倉幕府第9代執権、父は第8代執権北条時宗)、開山は覚山尼(1252-1306 鎌倉幕府の第8代執権・北条時宗正室。父は有力御家人安達義景、母は北条時房の娘と伝える)。現在は円覚寺派の男僧の寺であるが、開山以来明治に至るまで本山を持たない独立した尼寺であった。




Tokeiji is a temple of the Engakuji school of the Rinzai sect located in Yamanouchi, Kamakura City, Kanagawa Prefecture. It is located a 3-minute walk south from Kita-Kamakura Station on the JR Yokosuka Line.

According to the temple legend, the financial founder was Hojo Sadatoki (1272-1311, the ninth regent of the Kamakura shogunate; his father was the eighth regent, Hojo Tokimune), and the founder of the temple was Kakuzan-ni (1252-1306, the lawful wife of Hojo Tokimune, the eighth regent of the Kamakura shogunate). It is said that his father was Adachi Yoshikage, a powerful vassal, and his mother was the daughter of Hojo Tokifusa ). Although it is currently owned by a male monk of the Engakuji sect, it was an independent nunnery that did not have a head temple until the Meiji period.

In the Edo period, along with Mantoku-ji Temple in Gunma Prefecture, it was known as an Enkiri-dera Temple that was approved by the shogunate temple magistrate, and also played the role of a family court for women's divorce. This system lasted until December 1870, just before May 1873 (Meiji 6) when women's right to file for divorce was recognized. Wikipedia and other sources have detailed descriptions of the early-modern 'Enkiri-dera law(divorce law).'

This temple is also famous for the graves of many intellectuals, including the graves of Daisetz Suzuki, Kitaro Nishida, Shigeo Iwanami, Tetsuro Watsuji, Yoshinari Abe, and Hideo Kobayashi.
 From June 7, 2022, all photography within the precincts is prohibited.

There are many things to see in this temple, such as beautiful flowers and trees, but photography is prohibited. So unfortunately I can't post pictures here. Required manners must always be observed. This is the information board outside the entrance gate.




 その後、高峰顕日(こうほう けんにち、1241-1316 鎌倉時代後期の臨済宗の僧。後嵯峨天皇の第二皇子)や夢窓疎石(むそう そせき、1275-1351 禅僧としての業績の他、禅庭・枯山水の完成者として世界史上最高の作庭家の一人)らの名僧が住持し、最盛期には七堂伽藍を備え、塔頭も11寺院に達した。1323年の北条貞時鎌倉幕府第9代執権)13年忌には浄智寺からの参加僧衆は224人に達したと記録にあり、当時浄智寺の総人員は僧侶以外も加えると500人ほどに及んだとみられる。



Jochiji is a Zen Buddhist temple located in Yamanouchi, Kamakura City, Kanagawa Prefecture. It belongs to the Engakuji school of the Rinzai sect. The mountain name is Kinpozan. It ranks fourth among the Kamakura Gozan. The principal images of Buddha are Amida Nyorai, Shaka Nyorai, and Miroku Nyorai, each symbolizing the past, present, and future. The precincts are designated as a national historic site as 'Jochiji precincts'.

It was built in 1281 to mourn Hojo Munemasa (1253-1281), the third son of Hojo Tokiyori, the fifth regent of the Kamakura Shogunate.

Later, Koho Ken-nichi (1241-1316, Rinzai sect monk in the late Kamakura period, second, son of Emperor Gosaga) and Muso Soseki (1275-1351, not only accomplished as a Zen monk, but also as a perfectionist of Zen gardens and dry landscape gardens. One of the greatest garden architects in history) was the chief priest, and at its peak, it had seven temples and 11 sub-temples. According to records, 224 monks attended Jochi-ji Temple on the 13th anniversary of the death of Hojo Sadatoki (the 9th regent of the Kamakura Shogunate) in 1323. It is believed that there were about 500 people.

From around the middle of the 15th century, it gradually fell into disrepair in line with the decline of the city of Kamakura itself, and maintained eight sub-temples until the end of the Edo period. Most of it was destroyed by the Great Kanto Earthquake of 1923, and today's temple was mostly rebuilt in the Showa era.


Hotei-sama. Hotei-sama is a legendary monk who is said to have actually existed in China. Considered a good subject for ink painting, it is depicted as a pot-bellied monk carrying a large bag on his back. In Japan, it is worshiped as one of the Seven Lucky Gods(七福神).