旅の思い出・番外編ーウズベキスタンの旅(5) Memories of trips-extra edition-No.5. Trip to Uzbekistan-Shahrisabz

旅の思い出・番外編ーウズベキスタンの旅(5) Memories of trips-extra edition-No.5. Trip to Uzbekistan-Shahrisabz-the birthplace of Timur

It took about 4 hours 30 minutes from Bukhara to Shahrisabz(シャフリサブス)by the sightseeing bus. The road to Shahrisabz was not always comfortable, and the landscape was almost desert lands, sometimes large cotton plantations were seen. The bus sometimes stopped on the way, and Japanese elderly ladies did thier business in the cotton plantations. They had stout hearts and it was due to poor conditions of Uzbek toilets. I think Uzbek has many magnificent sightseeing resources but the development of sightseeing industry was on the way. 

Shahrisabz is famous for the birthplace of Timur who was the founder of the Timur Dynasty in 1370. He ruled Iran, defeated the Ottoman dynasty, attacked North India, and succeeded the Mongol Empire's western territory. Timur wanted Shahrisabz to be the capital of his Empire, but he finally decided that the capital was Samarkand because of convenience of transportations and cold weather in winter. It was said the secred of the strength of Timur's troops  was the high qualty iron and brave mounted troops. Unfortunatly he died of desease on the way to the Ming.  If he didn't die then, he might have rebuilt the Mongol Empire. 

Shahrisabz has various impressive constructions since the Timur Dynasty, so it was designated as UNESCO world heritage site.

We got on the sightseeing bus toward Samarkand, and it took 2 hours and 30 minutes. I still had a bad stomachache. This day was on Tuesday 10. 7 2014. We stayed at PANORAMA GRAND hotel in Samarkand.

 the road to Shahrisabz. Dried and desolate plains continued. There were large cotton plantations in places. This phote was taken from the bus.


Ak Sarai palace. an old buildings in Shahrisabz. This was built by Timur for summer seasons. The condition of preservation was not so good. 


Dortti Rovat Building Complex. Timur built this mausoleum for his oldest son who was killed in battle.


the statue of Timur in Shahrisabz. He looked brave, resourceful and a person of iron will.


the road to Samarkand. Dried and desolate plains continued. This phote was taken from the bus.


PANORAMA GRAND hotel in Samarkand. I couldn't eat anything except Japanese Miso soup and jelly state foods at that time.
