
那須どうぶつ王国-Nasu Animal Kingdom Zoo(October 8, 2020-No.32)

那須どうぶつ王国-Nasu Animal Kingdom Zoo(October 8, 2020-No.32) Nasu Animal Kingdom(那須動物王国) is a theme park-style zoo located at 1042-1 Oshima, Nasu-machi, Nasu-gun, Tochigi Prefecture. The zoo became a hot topic when the media r…

国立歴史民俗博物館-National Museum of Japanese History(July 28, 2020-No.31)

国立歴史民俗博物館-National Museum of Japanese History(July 28, 2020-No.31) The National Museum of Japanese History and Folklore(国立歴史民俗博物館abbreviation: Rekihaku 歴博)is a history museum located in Sakura City, Chiba Prefecture…