旅の思い出・番外編ーウズベキスタンの旅(3) Memories of trips-extra edition-No.3. Trip to Uzbekistan-Khiva

旅の思い出・番外編ーウズベキスタンの旅(3) Memories of trips-extra edition-No.3. Trip to Uzbekistan-Khiva

Q2; What was the imprssion about Khiva, which called the Sacred Capital?

On Sunday 10.5 2014, we went sightseeing of the UNESCO world heritage site in Khiva. It was a castle town called Ichan Kara, well remained as it was. I saw long, high, and thick walls surrounding the town. I heard the walls were about 450m from east to west and about 650m from north to south. And the walls was about 8m high, 6m thick, and  the total length was 2.2km (about 1mi 646yd). There were 20 mosques, 20 madrassah (Islamic seminary), 6 minaret (Islamic tower) within this walls. It was originally built in the 10th century, and rebuilt in the 17th century.

I wondered why such gigantic walls were built. I thought it was probably to protect the town and caravanserais against strong external enemy.  This area might be rich and an important point of land transportation from ancient times.

And we got on the domestic flight to Bukhara from Urgench International Airport. We stayed at BUKHARA PALACE hotel late at night. I was so tired!!

Castle Walls surrounding Ichan Kara with traveling companions. I had been helped by them. Most of them were active and elderly men and women.


There were souvenir shops and stands everywhere in these remains. Owners of these shops were good at selling. We had to beat down the price.



I saw many Germany people everywhere In Uzbek, who usually had large size cameras of Cannon, Nikon, and Sony brands. I heard they had tough stomachs without diarrhea and loved long vacations.



a young and beautiful couple. Be happy!! Congratulations!!!


Beautiful and elabolate walls of the building. 


I went up to very steep stone steps to the top of the tower, and I could see the whole of Khiva from the top of a tower.


castle walls and Ichan Kara. This view was from the top of a tower, too. How did the people in this town live everyday?


very steep stone steps to the top of the tower. so hard!!
