春の水元公園-Mizumoto Park in the spring (Apr.2019-No.16)

春の水元公園-Mizumoto Park in the height of spring

Mizumoto Park is located in Katsushika ward, eastern part of Tokyo adjacent to Saitama prefecture. It is the largest park in all 23 wards of Tokyo, and famous for beautiful riverside district, many trees and plants. You can reach here about half an hour from the center of Tokyo by JR train, and get off at Kanamachi Station of Joban Local Train Line.

This day was a beautiful Saturday and in the height of spring. You could see some old men fishing in the pond side. And many family groups enjoyed eating foods in the vast lawn, spreading plastic sheets. Especially cherry blossoms were full bloom. Thanks to you, I am glad to have been born in Japan.

a pond for fishing - fishers are almost old men - What can they fish for in the pond?


a large cerry tree full blooms - so beautiful


very spacious grass field - You can see some water


under the cherry trees - near a stream in Spring


the opposite side of the pond - Misato city, Saitama prefecture You can see many family groups.
