伊勢路 伊勢神宮・内宮-Iseji, Ise Jingu Grand Shrine Naiku, the Inner Shrine dedicated to the Sun Goddess (Mar.2019-No.13)

伊勢路 伊勢神宮・内宮-Iseji, Ise Jingu Grand Shrine Naiku, the Inner Shrine dedicated to the Sun Goddess 

Naiku, the Inner Shrine of Ise Jingu Grand Shrine is located in east of Geku, the Outer Shrine, and it takes about 5 or 10 minutes from Geku by regular commuter bus.  When you get off the bus, you find the beautiful Uji Bridge across the Isuzu River and a huge Torii Gate. The water of the river looks like very clean, cool and the flow of the water relatively rapid. The bridge is said to be the link between the ordinary world and the sacred world. Certainly you may feel sacred air or atmosphere, when you breathe here and see cedar and cypress trees that are over 300 years old and have been left untouched to this day.

Needles to say, this place is the center of Shinto which is Japanese indigenous religion, and the original building of this shrine is believed to have been built over 2000 years ago, about 500 years before Geku, the Outer Shrine. In other words, Naiku is considered the highest-ranking shrine in the hierarchy, and dedicated to  Amaterasu Omikami, the Sun Goddess, the predecessor of the Imperial family. It is said that Shinto originates from nature worship, and ancient Japanese people can easily feel deities to all of nature by themselves.

There are many people visiting Naiku and praying something even weekday, especially groups from each region of Japan with their flags as signs. Each group roughly consists of  50-200 members. And each person conducts Shinto ritual called Nirei-Nihakusyu-Ichire(2 bows-2 claps-1 bow).  You may feel a solemn and pious atmosphere.

When you finish your praying, you can enjoy strolling around Oharai machi St. and Okage side street. There many delicious food stands and nice souvenir shops. I recommed you to eat rice cakes with sweetened soybean paste called Akahuku-Mochi and buy Maneki-Neko (beckoning cat). I was surprised the street was very crowded with young people.

on the Uji bridge across the Isuzu River. beautiful view and refreshing air


People walk gravel-covered paths. Well cared plants are on each side.



the front of Naiku, the Inner Shrine dedicated to Amaterasu Omikami, the Sun Goddess who is the highest deity for Japanese in their mythology. This main hall will be rebuilt in 2033.


The Isuzu River with clean and cool water, You have peace of mind.


Oharai Machi St. next to the site of Naiku. There are many people remarkably.
